Get Smoke-Free with Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

4 min readSep 17, 2021
quit smoking hypnosis
Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Tobacco is one of the most widely used substances in the world, and it is also among the most dangerous, killing up to half of those who use it. Over 7 million deaths are directly attributed to tobacco use annually, and another 1.2 million deaths are linked to secondhand smoke.

Smoking not only affects your health but also your quality of life. It is an expensive habit and can take time away from your day as you seek out smoke-friendly spaces for smoke breaks. You may have noticed the smell lingers in your hair or clothing or that your teeth and fingers are stained.

There are many great reasons to kick the habit, but quitting can be tough. You can increase your chances of success by incorporating hypnosis for bad habits into your routine.

The Truth about Smoking

hypnosis for smoking

Although many who understand the health risks of smoking want to quit, few smokers can quit on their own. The World Health Organization estimates that only 4 percent of attempts to quit are successful without support. According to data collected from the Ontario Tobacco Survey, smokers attempt to quit many times before finally kicking the habit for good.

The average ranges from two to seven quit attempts over the course of a lifetime. Having the right support system in place can make a big difference in your success. Hypnosis can be an important part of that support.

Part of the reason smoking is so tough to quit is because it can be both a habit and an addiction. The nicotine contained in tobacco stimulates a physical rush, and over time, many smokers’ bodies become dependent on that nicotine. Even those who do not develop an addiction may struggle to quit, and that is because smoking is a habit.

Habits are difficult to kick because they become a part of our day-to-day lives. We engage in them automatically, which helps conserve brainpower. In other words, you can engage in certain activities, such as making your morning coffee, while thinking of other more important things.

While this feature of habits can streamline your life, it can also make them harder to break because you engage in them subconsciously. Because stop smoking self-hypnosis audios work subconsciously, they can be the ideal tool for unraveling the connections between smoking and your behavior.

Kicking the Smoking Habit with Hypnosis

Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

When do you smoke? Many people have various smoking rituals. They may smoke when drinking coffee, on their morning break, or in the evening when enjoying a glass of wine. These little rituals act as cues to light up a cigarette, but it can be hard to separate the cue from the action. Self-hypnosis to stop bad habits works subconsciously to help you see smoking in a new light and develop healthier new habits, stress-free.

Hypnosis for bad habits is a natural process that involves deep and focused concentration combined with relaxation. As you relax and focus, you tap into the subconscious part of your brain and disassociate from the feelings and emotions that keep you tied to the smoking habit. You can use stop smoking self-hypnosis audios to flip the script on the negative feelings and begin to reframe the experience altogether.

You can start to see smoking as smelly or undesirable. Instead of enjoying the taste, you might instead find the taste and smell off-putting. Instead of craving the relaxing experience of a smoke break, you might feel stressed or anxious. With hypnosis to quit smoking, you can essentially retrain your brain, and science shows it works.

One study showed that using hypnosis to quit smoking is more effective than nicotine replacement alone, and a review of 70,000 smokers involved in hundreds of studies found that hypnosis had the highest success rates and was even more effective than aversive techniques and drug-based programs.

Another study found that those engaged in more conventional methods, such as behavioral counseling, could improve their chances of success by adding hypnotherapy. What can self-hypnosis to stop bad habits do for you?

Adding hypnosis for bad habits to your quit smoking plan can help you take control of your habits, overcome your cravings, and get on your way to a smoke-free lifestyle. Visit today to find out more about using self-hypnosis to stop bad habits or to download our stop smoking self-hypnosis audios.




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