How an Anxiety Relief Hypnosis App Can Help You Conquer Anxiety

4 min readAug 27, 2021
anxiety relief hypnosis app

You are about to give a presentation, but you feel a little shaky. Although you feel sweaty and your heart is racing, your hands are cold. You feel tense and restless.

You are uncomfortable and on-edge, and the speech you rehearsed seems to have completely disappeared from your memory. This is anxiety, and for the millions around the world who suffer from it, it is an everyday experience.

Anxiety is not all in your head. When it strikes, the response spreads quickly throughout the body, triggering a cascade of symptoms, including headaches, body aches, muscle pain, insomnia, and other potentially serious issues. UpNow’s anxiety relief hypnosis app can help you calm your anxiety and take back the reins of your life.

What is Anxiety?

hypnosis for anxiety

All of us experience anxiety from time to time. It is a normal, natural part of life. People often feel anxious before a big event or when they are about to make a life-altering decision or change. For those with anxiety disorders, however, anxiety may be chronic, affecting them often or almost all the time.

They live with a constant feeling of worry or dread, and it can worsen with time. Their symptoms may be powerful enough to affect their work and their relationships. Self-hypnosis for social anxiety can help by tackling the underlying issues and calming the natural physical and emotional responses.

Anxiety does not come from the conscious mind but rather the subconscious. Your subconscious mind is much like the operating system of a computer, and it contains enormous amounts of data that it uses to help you function seamlessly throughout the day.

You are not aware of all the work it does, but it prods you with emotions, memories, hopes, and desires to guide your thoughts and behaviors along the way. For example, when a person has a fear of heights, they may feel a cold dread as they walk towards a cliff edge even though they do not necessarily have any clearly formed thoughts about that fear. Their subconscious is warning them of the perceived danger.

When you have had a negative experience, your subconscious holds onto that memory and recalls the fear and anxiety to protect you from similar experiences in the future. While the purpose of these feelings is to protect you, they can ultimately keep you trapped in a cycle of fear, panic, and anxiety. Self-hypnosis social anxiety speaks directly to the subconscious to unravel these thoughts and fears and relieve your anxieties.

Thoughts precede feelings and feelings precede behaviors. While you can consciously change behaviors with some effort, you cannot consciously change your emotions. Hypnosis for sleep anxiety is the key to unlocking the door of your subconscious. Hypnosis for sleep anxiety can help you address the thoughts and feelings that are trapping you in fear and restless worry.

With UpNow’s hypnosis app, you can begin to separate the memories from the feelings and release the negative mindsets that underlie your anxiety.

The Effectiveness of Hypnosis for Anxiety

hypnosis for anxiety relief

Conventional anxiety treatments often center on medication and coping strategies. Using hypnosis for anxiety is different. During the deeply relaxed hypnosis experience, you can begin to change the way you react to your triggers and examine the triggers themselves.

With self-hypnosis for social anxiety, you can learn to identify specific emotions and isolate and explore your experiences and your feelings about those experiences. While relaxed and at ease, you can address previous negative social or other encounters and mentally rehearse new ways of dealing with similar situations with more positive outcomes.

Research shows that using hypnosis for anxiety can help people cope more effectively with stress. In one study, participants who were struggling with stress, anxiety, and worry used a 28-day program using either relaxation or self-hypnosis.

Every day, researchers evaluated the participants for a variety of outcomes, and while the two groups had similar outcomes, self-hypnosis was associated with a greater sense of treatment efficacy and cognitive and physical change. Research has also shown that hypnosis can help improve issues commonly associated with depression and anxiety, such as phobias, substance abuse, and low self-esteem.

If you are ready to let go of your anxiety and embrace a new way of life, can help with hypnosis for sleep anxiety. Visit us online at and download our anxiety relief hypnosis app to get started.




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